"The unexamined life is not worth living."
________________________ - Socrates

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Home____Main Worldviews____Science____History____Religions____Socio-Political____Bible Issues_ _ _ _ Photo Credit:NASA

"History" Index:

History & Prophecy Issues:
Archaeology Confirms Biblical History
Predictions Prove the Bible's Power and Authority
Bible Predictions Being Fulfilled Today
Christ's Resurrection ...Fact or Fiction?
My Sympathies for Muslim Friends in Islam
To Muslim Friends: Following Jesus Explained
The Koran (Quran) and The Bible: Compared Through Predictions
The Reliability of the New Testament Text
God the Savior
Was There A Pope In Early Christianity?

What is a "Worldview"?

A worldview is a person's set of assumptions and assertions about
the basic makeup and nature of reality, the universe and humanity.

A fully developed worldview gives answers to the foundational questions of human existence:

  • 1.) What is the ultimate and prime reality? (...such as "God", or Matter/Energy)
  • 2.) What is the essential nature of the universe and everything?
  • 3.) What is the basic nature and condition of man?
  • 4.) What is the reason and basis of ethics and morality?
  • 5.) What is man's basic purpose and ultimate destiny?

The Main Objective:

to help you evaluate and choose a worldview which is
most logically consistent and not self-contradictory,
and best accounts for the most facts of
reality, history, science and human experience.

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